Welcome!... Next-Generation Waterproofing System
NON-FERROUS NON-SHRINK GROUT is a ready-to-use, high strength grout. It is composed from special Portland cement with time-released expansive agent and carefully graded silica aggregate. It is effective at consistencies from extremely fluid to plastic and need not be confined in order to develop full strength.
Applied in conjunction with PENETRON® for:
Just add water to use; will harden free of settlement
or dry shrinkage with a unique controlled
Can be used at any consistency from fluid to
Can be pumped into inaccessible areas.
Appearance is very similar to natural concrete or
mortar; will not rust or stain
Low water/cement ratio results in early strength
with exceptional bearing contact
For large pours, increase yield with addition of
up to 25% by weight of clean, well graded aggregate
Available in a 1 Gallon Container or a 5 Gallon Container
Disclaimer: Designed for thickness range of 0" to 0" Neat. These calculations are approximations only and do not take into account waste and variations in job site conditions or application.