Welcome!... Next-Generation Waterproofing System
PENEPLUG® is a rapid setting, integral crystalline cementitious compound designed to stop active water leaks and moisture ingress. It can be used internally or externally as a waterproof plugging mortar or where rapid setting and early strength gains are required. PENEPLUG is a fast-setting cementitious waterstop. It is recommended for: Plugging/stopping water leaks instantly. Sealing of leaky joints, form tie holes or cracks.
Ease of application.
No odour or flames.
Approved for potable water use.
Available in a 1 Gallon Container or a 5 Gallon Container
Disclaimer: Designed for thickness range of 0" to 0" Neat. These calculations are approximations only and do not take into account waste and variations in job site conditions or application.